What does "Time Machine" Actually Do On Your Mac?

03/19/2013 16:21

Having your important files automatically backed up for you is a great feature to have on any computer. With Apple’s Time Machine software—something that comes standard with their operating systems—you are taking an important step toward preserving your data and preventing catastrophic losses.

When it comes to finding a disaster recovery solution on your home computer, you can never be too careful. Time Machine, a backup piece of software that has been developed by Apple, is a great tool to have on your Mac, especially if you have a lot of important data on your computer. Time Machine was introduced to Mac users in the Leopard Mac OS release and has some pretty great features. If your computer ever were to lose data, you want to have your information backed up, and this is a really easy way to do so. Many people wonder, though, what Time Machine can actually do for them.

The first thing Time Machine does is create incremental backups of your computer’s files. These files can be restored in the future, if something happens were you to ever need them. This is a wonderful option for people that do a lot of work on their computers. The problem with computers and technology—as far as these things have come—is that sometimes mistakes do happen and your important information can sometimes be lost. No one plans on this happening, but it does, and being as prepared as possible is definitely in your best interests. Time Machine is an easy way to accomplish this.

This program is not an offsite or cloud storage program. Instead, it is intended to take a snapshot from time to time of the files and the versions of those files that are on your computer and these snapshots are prioritized with the most recent backups being given the highest priority and the older backups being stored with lower priority. This is especially helpful for people that do a lot of work on their computers and are consistently updating files. When you do a lot of work on the internet, your risk of losing files is increased because of the threat of computer viruses wiping out your data. The threat is lowered when you use a Mac, but it is never actually reduced to zero.

The best way to prevent a catastrophic loss of data is to always back up your files. Some people use the cloud and others email their important files to themselves, but all of these methods require a degree of work on your part. The easiest way to make sure no data is ever lost is to have a program automatically update things for you, and this is exactly what Time Machine does. It runs in the background and you never need to go out of your way to make sure files are saved; this is done automatically for you.

If you are looking for a disaster recovery solution, owning a Mac is a great idea. These computers are extremely reliable and have few problems, but if you ever do experience a problem, you want to make sure that your files are going to be routinely backed up for you without having to do a lot of extra work. Time Machine does this for you and is a great tool to have.

Popping Bubbles: 5 Trendy Stocks To Avoid

03/19/2013 12:26

The financial services industry is a great place to bounce investing ideas off of, especially during uncertain economic times. If you are looking for a good place to invest your money, a financial consultant can be of good help. Still, there are many areas of uncertainty when it comes to investing. Here are some trendy stocks that you should probably avoid for now.

Everyone knows that there are certain trendy stocks out there that are only going to be successful for a very short time. It is probably in your best interests to avoid these stocks, but identifying them is a little bit more difficult. A financial services consulting firm can help you to better determine which opportunities are going to be beneficial for you and which ones you should avoid. Here are five trendy stocks that you should probably avoid until their underlying problems disappear:

1. Apple (AAPL). Apple hit a high of about $700 a while ago, but now it is hovering around $530 per share. This is a huge decrease in an otherwise healthy company. Things will probably turn around for Apple in the future, but when this will actually happen is still quite unclear. If you want to invest in tech stocks, there are many opportunities out there, but Apple is not really the best choice at this point in time.

2. Sears (SHLD). Sears has been struggling for quite some time now, and things do not look like they are going to be changing anytime soon. There has been some speculation that Sears will be going under, but this is not likely. Still, unless you have a very firm grasp on the direction of this stock (think short sales), it’s probably a very bad idea to put a lot of your wealth into this particular stock.

3. Google Inc. (GOOG). Google has been the leader in web search engines for years now and has met with a lot of success. Still, there are some distinct problems associated with this stock. It has been very volatile for a while, bouncing up and down unpredictably. If you are looking for an Internet stock to trade, there are better choices out there. Google is likely going to be a profitable stock, but just when this progress will start manifesting again is still unclear.

4. Facebook (FB). Facebook had a lot of high hopes when it had its initial price offering earlier on in the year. It debuted at a high of $45 per share. Then, it kept dropping. The good news is that Facebook is still around and still strong. Will it ever go back up to the $40 range again? Who knows. Facebook is a great company and it’s likely that it will continue down this road, but for now it is a good idea to avoid buying their stock and waiting for it to go up in price.

5. Bank of America (BAC). The banking industry has begun to bounce back, that much is certain, but exactly how healthy banks are is still up in the air. If you look at the Bank of America’s 52-week ticker, you will see that they are at a high point right now, which is great for them, but whether or not they will keep going down this path isn’t obvious yet. There are still many hurdles for the banking industry, and a good financial services consulting agency will let you know this.

This article was written by Jennifer Nobles. Jen is a promoter of good business and solid financial advice. She believe that strong finances, possibly with the help of a financial services consulting agency, can help people tremendously and smart investing is the real path to securing a fruitful and stable future. 

Four Must Have Super Foods

03/19/2013 11:28

The title represents an all-around "trick question."

Firstly, the "Dash Diet" is neither "Dash" -- spelled title case -- nor a "diet," per se.

Secondly, categorizing four specific super foods as "must have" superfoods in the context of DASH -- or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension -- involves another level of 'trick' question -- that of defining the super foods to serve as a foundation for a personalized DASH Action Plan dietary program.

Very brief research indicates that far more than four superfoods exist.  As an example, my personalized DASH action plan would include three forms of vegetable and one protein as super-food selections. 

Carrots.  This comes first for two reasons.  One, it is the only one with no alternative or similar superfood listed.  Second, I love carrots and have no issues with incorporating cooked carrots into meals several times a week.  For a change from regular boiled-and-sliced carrots, consider mashing your carrots and adding, as per your overall DASH allowances for fat or dairy, something like butter or sour cream or even yogurt.  Health benefits of carrot consumption include vision enhancement and retardation of risk of heart disease and some forms of cancer.

Dark, leafy vegetables.  Most super foods will list spinach as the premiere choice in this class, but dash diet participants can consider other options.  Green cabbage also qualifies in this category as do other choices in the cabbage family.  Mustard greens, collard greens, kale, and swiss chard also qualify in this category.  Health benefits include reduced risk of diabetes, osteoporosis and artheriosclerosis.

Salmon.  Okay, well, sort of.  This comes next-to-last because it exemplifies the trick question element of the title.  What list authors typically refer to is dark-fleshed, usually cold-water, fish that contains a good concentration of Omega oil.   Besides salmon, this includes mackeral, herring, and other fish in the herring family such as sardines and sprats.  Anchovies, trout, and even bluefin tuna also have moderately high to high Omega 3 fatty acid content. A Ladies’ Home Journal article also identifies snapper as a fish high not only in anti-inflammatory fats but also in the mineral selenium.  With salmon, specifically, the experts specify that you want wild-caught salmon rather than domestically farm-raised salmon.  Health benefits of salmon as a miracle food include improvements in cognitive function, cancer preventative action, and improved cardiovascular health.

Cabbage.  When experts list cabbage as a super-food, it takes only a quick skimming to determine that what the experts mean is "vegetables in the cabbage family."  In addition to several kinds of green cabbage as well as red cabbage, you can also include in this list brocolli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and even radishes and turnips.  This and the first category somewhat overlap, but not in entirety, and cabbage family vegetables also offer considerable versatility in preparation.  For example, you might combine a serving of cabbage-family greens in a cold luncheon salad plate with your allocated servings of cooked-and-cooled salmon or sardines for an enjoyable Lenten lunch-time meal.  Or, you might prepare a delicate salad by slicing radishes and serving them in a base of cottage cheese [perhaps also garnished with a leaf-form cabbage selection; or a few leaves of raw spinach.]  You can add some sparkle and interest to your DASH participation by adding such dishes, often found in regular traditional cookbooks, to your collection of DASH diet recipes.  Red cabbage, indeed, also contains the same pigment that gives blueberries their blue coloration:  blueberries and strawberries being the superfoods I would next include had the title referred to '5', rather than '4', superfoods.  Health benefits of consuming cabbage family foods include retardation of rheumatism, arthritis and gout; and retardation of skin disorders, heart disease, and even Alzheimer’s.

Any DASH diet participant should take his own preferred foods into account in planning around superfoods to customize DASH participation in such a way as to emphasize four [or any other number selected] particularly favorite super foods within the context of DASH.

Making The Most of Your Budget Post- Retirement

03/18/2013 17:57

Retirement is your chance to relax and do all of the things that you've always said you'd do “someday”. Here are a few tips on how to maximize your fixed income after you retire.

The time is finally here. You've worked hard for you entire life up to this point, doing well in your career, making the most of your opportunities and generally earning your living honestly and diligently. You've saved up and invested enough to finally be able to retire and you have big plans to really enjoy not having to report to an office or work at all when you don't want to. The world is your oyster and you in all likelihood want to travel to as much of that oyster as you possibly can, but there is always the consideration of having a fixed income looming over these plans. Making the most of your budget is essential to truly enjoy retirement and do all of the things that you've always wanted to do. Here are a few tips on how to make the adjustment and maximize your post-retirement money.

The first step would be to really envision what kind of lifestyle you would like to live after retiring and decide how much money it would take to do that. Do you want to do a lot of traveling? Do you want to take up a hobby or remodel the house in just the right way? Find out how much you will be taking in and how much it will take to do what you want then plan accordingly. If you'd like to move to another location or state, consider moving expenses and how much it costs to live there. Consolidating all of your bills and planning into one online budgeting website or bank feature is a good start and there are many calculators that help you project savings. Take advantage of MA online checking to avoid the clutter of mails and bills piling up and clouding your budget decision-making. 

Another good thing to do is to make cost cutting decisions about your current expenses in preparation for the future. Maybe it's a better idea to find your entertainment closer to home than indulging in expensive foreign travel. There are plenty of inexpensive and even free things to do in many big cities all throughout the year. If you are still providing financial help to your children, it's probably time to let them know that they will have to depend on their own income soon. Living in MA online checking makes it easy for anybody to keep on top of their budgets so they should be able to fend for themselves as adults. In addition, if they're no longer living with you and they still have a room at the house, it could be a good idea to downsize housing or even pass it on to them so you can seek more affordable arrangements. Also, senior citizen discounts abound in many businesses so be sure to check before making even small investments in entertainment, insurance, food and more.

An adventurous option would be to consider taking up root and moving abroad.  There are a host of international retirement enclaves in Latin American countries, especially in Central America. The cost of living is typically much less and even if you currently live in MA online checking, it can make keep your finances straight from abroad very easily. Asian countries are becoming especially popular as of late as they enjoy Westerners and respect the elderly as a culture.

This article was written by Carletta Wellman, a small business owner and tech enthusiast. Carletta lives in Massachusetts, with her husband, where she operates her own business. Carletta is interested in technology, business banking, online checking, mortgage bank and cooking.          

Top 5 Tips for Your New Home Design

03/18/2013 17:45

When looking for apartments to rent in Boston, there’s no shame in getting excited about the more material aspects of setting up your new nest. Apartment living can be an excellent option for all different types of people, from new graduates to newlyweds, and setting up your house can be a fun adventure. It’s hard to concentrate on details about security deposits and the like when you really just want to pick out your new sofa, but make sure that you are as diligent in the search as you will be with keeping your place spotless. 

If you've already decided to make the move to Boston, it would be a good idea to take a trip or two into the city and investigate the various areas and neighborhoods. Location can make a huge difference when it comes to apartment living, and you wouldn't want to set yourself up for being displeased at the get go by picking a neighborhood that doesn't actually make sense for you. 

Once you've chosen your neighborhood, brought on any roommates that you might like, and figured out your price range, you can start shopping around for apartments. A great way to begin your search is online with websites like Craigslist and Trulia. This will save you the time it would take to visit each listing location individually. Make sure that you visit your apartment in person before you agree to anything, however. There are many tricks that some people will use in online ads to make apartments appear bigger or better kept than they actually are. But as long as you are diligent and enterprising, there’s no reason why you shouldn't be able to find a great apartment in Boston!  

Once you've done all your homework and found a great place, it’s time to start thinking about what you’re going to do with it now that it’s yours! One of the most fun parts of apartment living is being able to get creative with your design. Because there is less room, you can be very selective about the things that you want to keep around, and you can make changes very quickly! 

Here are some tips for design in your new home: 

  1. Consider using all the layers of space in your apartment. Don’t just think about what you’re going to set on the floor, take all the space into account! Loft beds, suspended bookshelves, and the like are great solutions to limited floor space. 
  1. Choose a theme or idea and stick to it, so that all of the design elements in your home work together! Think of a design metaphor that you want to work with, even if it wouldn't make literal sense. Or, choose one amazing piece of furniture or artwork and organize your design around that! 
  1. Complementary colors are always an excellent idea.  
  1. You can either choose one overall theme or pick some sub-themes for each room. 
  1. Always make sure to run changes past your roommates first, and think about functionality as well as aesthetics!  

With these tips, your home design efforts are sure to get off to a wonderful start!  

This article was written by Bruce Garland, a Boston native and baseball enthusiast. Bruce wants to help you get the best apartments to rent in Boston.

How To Go Green If You Have A Pet

03/18/2013 17:30

If you have a pet, there are many ways to go green and protect the environment with the help of your four legged friend. Many companies have started putting environmentally friendly products on the market and this includes businesses that sell pet supplies. Therefore, you should have no problem staying green if you own a cat, dog or any other pet. Here is some advice on how you can achieve this: 

Clean Up After Your Dog

This may sound like basic respect and common sense, but unfortunately many dog owners are still too lazy to clean up after their companion. You've probably walked into dog poop at some point in your life and it's obviously not a pleasant experience. Therefore, cleaning up after your dog is very important. To help the environment even more, use bags made out of degradable plastic. Essentially, the bags are designed to take a short time to break up after they reach the landfill, as opposed to several decades, as with other plastic bags. A reusable pooper scooper type products could also be an alternative to consider. 

Make Your Own Pet Food

There are thousands of free pet food recipes that you can find online. Giving them “real” food can actually be healthier and more environmentally friendly than buying pet food from a store. After all, cats and dogs have lived as pets long before any type of pet food products were commercialized. Remember that you need to take your pet's dietary needs in consideration when you prepare food for them, as their requirements won't necessarily be the same ones than for a human. 

Buy Eco-Friendly Items For Your Pets

Pet supplies are part of a multi billion dollar market worldwide. Anything from chew toys, leashes, collars, balls, etc. is sold all over the place. If you're shopping for items to buy for your pet, try to seek out some that are environmentally friendly. Look for biodegradable packaging, or toys that are made from recycled materials. This will encourage businesses that make pet products in an environmentally responsible way. 

Use Natural Pet Care Products

Care products for pets may not always be made up to the same safety standards than items intended for human use. The problem is that some cleaning shampoos for pets may contain chemicals that could irritate your pet's skin after prolonged use, or increase the chance that the animal will suffer from a serious disease, such as heart problems or cancer (yes, it also exists in animals). By buying products that contain natural ingredients which have been proven to be safe on pets, you can take care of your pet in an environmentally friendly and safe way.

This article was written by Dona Kemmer, a longtime biologist shifting into green technology. She thinks that it’s essential to find alternatives to man-made materials using degradable plastic. In her spare time, Dona explores the world, seeking natural beauty in any form.

Three Ways to Reduce Your Spam From Mass Emailing

03/17/2013 17:39

Many legitimate mass emails don't make it to the recipient's inbox. Here's a few tips to avoid all your hard work going to waste.

Internet service providers and email services everywhere are now deploying numerous methods to prevent spam messages from reaching people's inboxes. While this is a great tool in the fight against spam, the problem is that very often, legitimate commercial messages may end up in the recipient's junk mail folder instead of their inbox, and sometimes they don't even get delivered at all. If your company uses email marketing, there are certain things that you should know in order to increase your inbox rate, and thus increase the chances that the messages will actually be read by their intended recipients. 

Here are three ways to do so: 

Don't use purchased lists

You will sometimes see list of emails that are being sold by various companies and by users on online marketing and business forums. While in most cases the subscriber did at one point opt in to receive promotional messages when they signed up for a certain product or service, these emails lists are often a lot more trouble than they're worth. Chances are, the email addresses contained in them have already been sold to several different marketers. Also, the recipient may have simply entered their email when signing up for a certain website, contest, etc. and even if they indicated a preference for certain types of products and services, it doesn't mean that they would be interested in buying anything from you. 

Furthermore, these lists are often full of dead email addresses as well. Therefore, sending mass emails to email addresses that you got from a list isn't recommended. Very often your messages will end up in the junk mail folder. But also, you risk being branded as a spammer, even if you otherwise comply with all rules and regulations pertaining to sending mass email. 

Watch the content of your messages

Spam filters do an analysis of the message in an effort to determine whether it's probably a legitimate message or spam. One of the factors that spam filters base themselves on is the content of the message. Overusing words such as: free, discount, promo, buy now, make money, etc. is likely to result in your message being flagged as junk. 

Furthermore, if you're promoting affiliate offers, you should be careful to only promote legitimate ones, as there may be certain sites that were already flagged as being “spammy” and will trip up the spam filter of many email providers. 

Ask subscribers to whitelist you

If you have your own email list, one of the best ways to avoid the junk mail folder is simply by asking subscribers to whitelist your “from” email address. You can remind them of this on your website or in your welcome email. It's important to do this, even if some people will forget or not take the effort to add you to the whitelist. This is because it will ensure that all your further messages will end up in the recipient's inbox, rather than the junk folder. 

Dewitt Medlock is a real estate agent with a passion for marketing and technology. Dewitt uses the internet to market himself and grow his business. Search engine optimization, mass email, and pay per click advertising are three of his favorite online marketing techniques.

Top Tips for Home Buyers to Get the Best Mortgage Loans

03/06/2013 11:45

Buying a home can be an intimidating prospect. If you're in the market for a new home, don't forget these helpful tips to get the best mortgage loans.

Buying a home is the culmination of the American dream for almost everyone who dares to dream it. If everything goes according to plan, it means that a lot of hard work, dedication and planning has gone into crafting a career, a stable environment for a possible family and generally a strong outlook for the future. Knowing this, it's easy for prospective home buyers to get excited at the prospect and jump into the process too soon or perhaps not be as careful as they can be. In order to give themselves the best chance at success, the should follow these five simple tips.

- Know Your Credit Score Ahead of Time

Probably the single strongest factor in being approved for a home loan by a mortgage bank or any lender, a good credit score should be monitored regularly before going in search of a loan. Nowadays, it's much more critical because a higher score is required to be approved than it was before the economy crashed in 2008. Though interest rates are at an all time low, having a good enough credit score to lock one in is an altogether different matter. Signing up for one of the many free credit report programs is a good idea and, though most of them require a fee at some point to continue monitoring your score, it will be a minor outlay in the grand scheme of getting the loan you want.

- Take Stock of Your Income and Spending Stream

Another important factor that a good lender will look at before making a decision on your loan is how much you make and how you spend your money. You may very well be on time with all of your credit payments and be in good standing, but are you stowing away heaps of money each month or are you barely getting by? Also, where is your money going? If you know that you have significant and, crucially, variable expenses in your budget, you need to take this into account. A national or mortgage bank will want to see that you are well prepared for unexpected expenses.

- Get Organized

The whole process of buying a home or taking out a mortgage requires paperwork, and lots of it. Make sure that you have all of your documents organized and ready for the eventual slog, as this will make things go much more smoothly and, hopefully, faster. Tax returns, W-2's and recent pay stubs are just a few of the common documents that MA mortgage bank could ask for in order to verify your income status.

- Hold off on the Major Purchases

Going back to the importance of your credit score, it's equally important to keep it at a good level even after you've been approved for a loan. Lenders will often pull your credit score a couple of times throughout the process, so make sure you don't do anything that will negatively hit your rating. This includes making a major purchase, taking out another loan or even applying for a new card since doing so is an indication to the credit companies that you can't afford purchases with your current income.

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